The Judging and assessment of entries will be undertaken on an anonymous basis. Judges will be asked to review all the submissions as uploaded onto the website prior to attending a short listing meeting in Glasgow.
The teams submitting short-listed entries will be asked to attend a prize giving night to provide a short presentation on their proposals. The Judges will deliberate on the selected finalists and agree on the prizes.
Judging PanelThe judging panel comprises:-
• Ian Hamilton – President GIA (Chairman)
Ian is an Architect with Page and Park Architects in Glasgow. He was elected president of the GIA in April 2011 and the chairing of the judging panel for this competition will be one of his first official tasks in office.
• Arlene Cullum – RPW CDT Vice-Convenor
Arlene lives in Kilcreggan and is an active member of the local community and the Vice Convenor of the Development Trust.
• Grant Watkinson – RPW CDT Vice-Convenor
Like Arlene, Grant lives in Kilcreggan and is an active member of the local community and the Vice Convenor of the Development Trust.
• Christine Borland – Artist
Christine lives and works on the Roseneath Peninsula. She is one of Scotland's most successful and internationally recognised artists. She has exhibited in the UK and around the world and has been short-listed for the Turner prize.
• Prof Kevin Murray – Academy of Urbanism
Kevin is a leading planner with over 20 years experience in the fields of planning, regeneration, urban design and economic development. He is a Director of The Academy of Urbanism. Past President of the Royal Town Planning Institute, a founding member of the Urban Design Alliance and was a member of the Egan Task Group on Delivering Sustainable Communities.
• Andy McAvoy – Bl@st Architects
Andy is Senior Partner with Bl@st Architects who are based in Glasgow. Andy has delivered a number of well considered projects in rural settings. He was the Architect for the Moffat House, in Kilcreggan itself which was featured on C4's 'Grand Designs'.
• David Ross – GIA, AP&P committee convenor
David is an Architect with Sheppard Robson Architects in Glasgow. He is convenor of the GIA’s Architecture, People and Places committee which delivered the Queens Park Arena design competition last year.
AssessmentThe aim of the design competition is to deliver a framework for the development of Kilcreggan over a 20 year horizon that can deliver the Vision for the village.
It is anticipated that entrants will consider the site, access, range of uses, response to the grain of development, landscape and environment in an innovative and wide ranging manner. The emphasis is on creating ideas for the development of the community that that can be implemented and phased over a period of time. This could take the form of small scale interventions or a full masterplan, there is no prescriptive limitation on what can be proposed.
Therefore in assessing entries judges will be considering how well the submission:
• Responds to the overall aims of the brief and vision statement.
• Could be developed as a model solution for other rural communities in whole or in part.
• Demonstrates an understanding of the architecture and environment of Cove and Kilcreggan
• Demonstrates a clear understanding of urban design principles considering access, movement, public and private space, landscape and environment
• Considers and integrates sustainable development solutions
Competition Programme Deadline for registration Friday 27th May 2011
Community workshop / site visit Saturday 25th June 2011 Cove Burgh Hall
Submission deadline Monday 18th July 2011
Shortlisting Thursday 28th July 2011
Community exhibition Late July to 13th August 2011 Cove Burgh Hall
Final judging and Prize Giving Saturday 13th August 2011 Cove Burgh Hall
Competition Terms and ConditionsThe promoted of the competition is Glasgow Institute of Architects (GIA). GIA is a chapter of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS). GIA Is a Registered Scottish Charity, Number SC000915.
GIA is promoting the competition on behalf of Rosneath Peninsula West Community Development Trust.
Applications for entry into the competition is open to all Architects, design professionals or students of architecture, engineering or landscape architecture.
The entry fee per individual, practice or team is:
£30 Architects and Professionals
£25 GIA Members *
£10 Students
*You are a GIA member if you subscribe to the RIAS and work in the GIA chapter area.
The prize fund, paid by cheque, is as follows:
First Prize - £1000
Second Prize - £500
Third Prize - £250
Commendation - £250 (if awarded)
Application forms can be downloaded
here and entry monies and forms should be submitted to;
GIA Kilcreggan Design Competition
c/o 3D Reid
45 West Nile Street
G1 2PT
Registrations must be received by Friday 27th May 2011.
You must enclose a valid email address and contact number.Final submission of competition entries to be submitted electronically and by hard copy as follows:
2 x A3 Presentation Drawings. Unmounted.
Maximum 1000 word summary of proposals. 3 Pages A4 Maximum.
A PDF of A3 drawings an summary to be uploaded to Website.
Submissions should be enclosed in a plain A3 envelope with the duly completed entry submission form.
The competition is anonymous. Each submission should not contain any mark or name identifying the author. Each entrant will be issued with an entry number to their e-mail address registered for the competition and this number must be clearly displayed in the top right hand corner of all submitted materials (both the written statement and each drawing should have the number clearly displayed).
A short list comprising a minimum of around 5 entrants will be drawn up. Selection of the winning entries will be determined by the judge’s whose decision will be final. The promoters reserve the right not to issue an award in any or all categories.
Copyright of the entries will remain the property of their designers, but the promoters and partners of the competition reserve the right to publish the entries, use on website or distribute in any way to promote the proposed development(s).
The 1:2500 Ordance Survey Map is provided to competition entrants solely for the purposes of the competition Reproduction in whole or part for any other purpose is prohibited without the prior permission of Ordnance Survey. The map supplied by under Serial Number: 02401400
Entries will not be returned. If required, make copies for your own use before submitting your entry.
Failure to follow any of the competition rules will result in disqualification.
Personal information submitted in connection with this competition may be shared by the competition organizers and sponsors for competition purposes only. Personal information will not be sold or provided to any third party.
The competition will conclude on the award of prizes. Rosneath Peninsula West Community Development Trust will not be obligated to develop, implement or construct any of the submitted entries. Any future development will be subject to separate procurement.
Any questions should be submitted to the link on the competition website and answers will be posted on the site.
Labels: conditions